Thursday, May 29, 2008

If you go to Costa Rica and want to bring back a stray pet, make sure you REALLY want it!

So let's say you're in Costa Rica for whatever reason and you absolutely fall in love with a stray cat or dog. You want to bring it back home to the States. What do you do? I honestly didn't think you could, or if you could it would be a huge hassle. Here is a bit of info:

"If you are going back to the States, or Canada, it is actually very easy. The dog, or cat, will need to receive all the required vaccinations, including rabies. Any vet will know what to do, and they will then provide you with a certificate that you will need to present at the airport, prior to your trip. Upon arrival on U.S. or Canadian soil, domestic dogs or cats must be free of evidence of diseases that can be contracted by humans. If the animal is not in apparent good health, further examination by a licensed veterinarian may be required at the owner’s expense."

If you're really interested, here's the full story.

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